السبت، 18 ديسمبر 2010

Sharm el Sheikh city charming

Sharm el Sheikh city charming

Of more than one source
Sharm el-Sheikh is called gem Sinai.
Lies Sharm Sheikh
Between the Red Sea and Gulf of Aqaba.
The Sinai Peninsula
It links the continent of Asia and Africa
Located on the edge of Sharm el Sheikh.
The Sharm el Sheikh from major tourist cities
And more sophisticated resorts
Sharm el Sheikh is one of the most important diving centres in the world,
Whether you're a beginners who wish to
Learn to dive or professionals
Obtaining a licence for diving
You'll find everything you need from craft and equipment and beaches in services for diving centre 70 in Sharm city. .
Are those places in Ras Mohammed.
And, with a small boat the Teran is rich in coral reefs
And marine animals such as sharks incidental catches.
Are in a privileged location, easy access
For the Tiran at top of the Gulf of Aqaba.
Protected Ras Mohammed is located in South Sinai and inform
A 480 km from more places for tourists,
In addition to the Gopal
And provides numerous resorts and sports activities such as beach volleyball ground, tennis, golf and squash.
And while stretching Sharm desert almost empty of life but, in flagrant contradiction is packed with seafloor
With the diverse marine.
The whole Park Middle East Musave
Here the famous Coral gardens in Ras Mohammed
And wonderful golden beaches in the grace of bound tourists year after year both water sports fans or lovers of swimming and diving either on land you can sand hills of zapping astaegararbat
Deep in the vast Sahara
And you can spend the coolest holiday in Sharm el Sheikh alone
As you can to make the splendid point after a journey through the history of ancient Egypt and its implications
The Sharm el Sheikh mhawi hearts tourists
This resort is located between
Mountains of Sinai and the Red Sea
Boasting a strip of yellow sand
Held by many hotels and dive sites
And golf weigt **** many 2 million tourists come to Egypt annually backpacker.

The most important tourist places in Sharm el Sheikh…
1. Grace Bay:- Bay area is the main centre attract tourists blessing in Sharm el-Sheikh where Grace Bay area with all the necessary tourist pools and markets and restaurants of various types as well as many clubs tonight and please attract tourist aalagnbi, Grace Bay area when in line where night feel like you are in Europe
2. the thousand and one nights:-located in the plateau of Umm SID, which is a closed complex contains cafes and restaurants and shops selling antiques aaltdkaret and Archaeological Park concerts wekdlk regulates tranquilized to singers also contains cinema displays most recent Arab films
3. old town:-much like what the markets in the city of Cairo, where there are all necessary shops, restaurants and shops
Promenade in Sharm el-Sheikh

1-RAS Mohammed:-announced the Tiran and Ras Mohammed and natural reserve as well as Sanafir in 1983 as the first nature reserve in Egypt and protected at the Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba in southern Sinai Peninsula, about 12 km from Sharm el Sheikh and about 70 km from the city of TUR
2-Gallum protected.:-located on the Gulf of Aqaba Gallum protected on the road between Sharm el Sheikh and Taba area called alersash Valley, declared a biosphere reserve in 1992. Featuring special and region btabogharavet integrated environmental system combines mountain and desert environment and set the valleys interspersed with making beautiful special region ... In addition to a marine environment rich with wonderful varieties of coral reefs, colorful fish and protected wilderness are rich with deer or foxes waltiatl walobr and Quills Walkonfz most many rodents and reptiles
3. protected. Keep:-considered the blind: nature reserve in 1992. The Reserve lies between Sharm el Sheikh Wedhb Oro or infection in South Sinai ... Protected is 35 km north of Sharm el-Sheikh
The South Sinai enjoys unique properties make them high on the areas of those wishes any practitioner from diving and sport to their underwater treasures rarely found anywhere in the world especially the Ras Mohammed with practitioners annually (10,000) divers. The region also has more than 20 training centre universally recognized dive and trainee is given a licence to dive and be inspected from global organizations (PADI)

The most important diving areas

1. the Ras Mohammed South
2. the start of the Gulf of Aqaba
3. zone. RAS UM SID until the altaur North

Never ending journey and will not expire because here every new day
There are hand built and constructed and developed into a modern techniques
A hand of destruction and ruin everything nice Let's hit them with an iron hand

السبت، 13 نوفمبر 2010

King Khufu

                        King Khufu

Pharaoh's eldest captured stunted
Khufu was the second king of the Fourth Dynasty in ancient Egypt. Came to power after the death of his father, Bent. Under the name (Khnam scared me) any (god Khnum, who protect me). From the village (banned Cheops) (ie, nursing Cheops) is now the town of Beni Hassan. Sent missions to the valley of the cave to bring Turquoise. Where he found his name and image represents a plunge at the head of a pin person fight. A statue of him and only found in the Abydos of ivory, carved his name on the throne, and the length of the statue five centimeters, and is now in the Egyptian Museum in accordance with the rule of Papyrus (Turin) is about twenty-three years old. In the custody of the children of the Great Pyramid in Giza, the largest stone building in the world will be called (sister of Cheops) is the horizon of Khufu was built in 2650 BC. M. He has designed the Great Pyramid genius architect Ham Oyono ……..
When he was born King Khufu was living within the palace of his father King Bent in the south of Dahshur Pyramids of Giza. This area was built by the King Bent pyramids, one located in the north of Dahshur and the so-called pyramid or the northern Red Pyramid. The reason for this designation that the workers who built the pyramid left many writings in red on the pyramid, therefore, called upon the people of the name. If not, the pyramid of Cheops is located to have to become Bent Pyramid of King's greatest Pyramids of Egypt. And built a pyramid next to last curve, known as the pyramid or the pyramid south. It is believed that the engineer who built the pyramid was built by an angle of 45 was then adjusted to 43; therefore become bent pyramid and the pyramid bears the name of the curve. Khufu was always walking with his son Prince Iunu Ham, who was fond of building, and learn at the hands of his father, an engineer Annarh a group - Maat. The Daily Khufu go to watch the construction work in the pyramid of his father, and he knew that he would become king of Egypt after his father's death directly, and dreamed of building a towering pyramid of great talk about generations. And began Ham Ham Iunu prepare himself to become the second man after Khufu, and the titular head of all acts of the king. Cheops and began playing with his cousin and dream of the day. Khufu said to his cousin that he wants to build a pyramid out of the pyramid of his father in a new place did not reach him by Pharaoh…..

King of the double-sided 

It was announced in the country that the king had died and Bent News moved at lightning speed to the length and breadth of the country, and began the burial ceremony sponsored by the Little Prince King Cheops was buried inside the pyramid stool.
Prince and began a group - Maat in the preparation of small epitriquetrum Talah gold and put it on top of the pyramid
And began Khufu ready after the burial of his father to become king of Upper and Lower Egypt; any king of Gahine and Lower Egypt, and became the name Khnum Khufu, this name means affiliated to the god Khnum was the god is God the Creator; any, who is on the creation of human beings, and King Khufu soon so his mother Queen Hetepheres that you do not want to be buried next to her husband, Bent, like all queens, but preferred to be buried next to her son Cheops pyramid
When he started Cheops in preparation for the burial of his father, was at the same time choose a new location to build the pyramid's body was transferred King Bent to the workshop Alhanit which they call it the hieroglyphic name "and played" This name means the location is pure, and the process of drying the body is salt natron and Removal intestines and stomach and placed within the time known as canopic jars; since it was discovered in a country called Canopus near Alexandria, all this would take 40 days and then are processed Tools embalming materials, which are placed Wolff mummy, and all that it takes 30 days and was the ancient Egyptian out everything from the body Before embalming, except the heart because he and Information Center is also the center of knowledge
And after the burial of the King, was officially announced that Cheops became king of state, has chosen the Giza Plateau to be the headquarters for the construction of the pyramid and also the seat of the Royal Palace and got new nicknames do not get it until the Kings, and of which he became Horus the victor, and it will become to the people of his body of gold and his hair of lapis lazuli, and will become the link between the people and the god Ra god official of the country posed by the sun and became to think about the rituals that were to become king of Egypt, wearing the white crown, which indicates that it belongs to the South or the Red Crown, which indicates that it belongs to the North, and also crown-sided, which indicates that it is the king of Upper and Lower Egypt, and all this will make Egypt under one banner, and was the seat of government and capital, "Memphis" old

Sons of Khufu

He married by King Khufu of the queen Merritt ITT feeds, and built a pyramid East on the eastern side of the pyramid, as well as Princess Hnot age, which was buried later in the pyramid the South next to it, but his mother Queen Hetepheres was buried in the northern pyramid, which is located next to the pyramids , As for the children was the oldest is Prince Kauab He married his sister Hetepheres and the marriage between brothers based in ancient Egypt, only because, like the machine and this was Prince Izardaima sitting cross-legged on the author, such as statues, which we have seen in the Egyptian Museum, we do not know why he did not take Jr. the largest power after the death of his father King Khufu, and is believed to have died before his father
He was the king Cheops children most notably King's grandfather F-Ra, who took power after his father directly, but built his pyramid in the area known as - Abu Rawas - located to the north of the Pyramids of Giza, we do not know why did not build the pyramid next to his father and believed that the scholars of the Egyptian antiquities that after the death of King Khufu occurred bickering and quarrels among boys; therefore preferred to Prince's grandfather F-Ra that built the pyramid in this area and the other son is Khafre, who took power after the death of his brother, and especially that very F-Ra rule of 8 years only, we do not know the causes of this sudden death, and came Khafre I'm King Khufu's pyramid to be built next to the pyramid of his father's direct area of the effects of Giza, and there were other sons of King Khufu, the two Ddv Prince and Prince Ba Branch
The reign of King Khufu about 23 years, according to the provisions of papyrus known as the Turin Papyrus, but there are new discoveries in Western Sahara to suggest that this King may rule some 32 years
Perhaps Tgedon difficulty in the knowledge of the names pharaohs, but I wish to know the correct information about the most important kings who ruled Egypt in ages golden; the Old Kingdom, and the old state began the era of the Third Dynasty, and the first kings was King Djoser Alzybny the pyramid at Saqqara, known as the Step Pyramid , and came fourth family, the family that lived there most famous king, King Bent and they Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure Ra and paddle, and finally King of Ptah, which was built pyramid tomb area effects of Saqqarah

Royal compound

South of the eastern side of the pyramid is a modern building containing a compound that was discovered in 1954 AD.
It made a huge royal boat of cedar wood, has been found in disarray in the hole which is one of the largest vessels that have been found in Egypt so far.
On the front deck of the boat, there is no umbrella, covers the central part of the framework of a canopy. The rear portion of the deck of the boat, there are by the main cabin, in the form of a roof supported by columns of palm trees.
For the boat a pair of oars to steer the rudder, and five pairs of oars for the conduct of the compound, and a length of about 43.3 meters or 142.02 feet, and a width of about 5.90 meters or 19.35 feet and a height of about 5 meters or 16.4 feet at the front of the boat and 7 meters or 23 feet at the stern.
The boat used to transport the king's funerary furniture. While some boats are made as models, it is clear that this compound has already used also shows the marked contraction of the remaining ropes

the Great Pyramid

The name of the genius architect of the Great Pyramid. "Ham - Iunu" is the ancient Egyptian's proud of every Egyptian of the living proof that the genius of architecture, engineering and construction science and art of the Egyptian construction. His name is composed of two sections, the first: Ham sense server, and the second: Iunu sense the area of Ain Shams (ancient Heliopolis). So I have served this genius in the city and the Temple of the capital, and administrators dedicated to the worship of the sun god during the Fourth Dynasty - the old state.
Although we do not know the full means "wow" used by the Engineer "Ham - Iunu" in building the pyramid of King, who was serving in his court, royal king "Khanom - Khufu" known as "Khufu", so as not to disclose any engineering drawings or accounts architectural drawn on papyri or Hqavat or walls, but we are certainly aware that he is responsible for developing one million 2.300.00 Limestone in the building of a pyramid rising up to 146 meters, which plans and engineering geology of the Earth's natural to assume Giza Plateau weight of 6 million tons is the weight of stones of different weights.
Not to mention the square shape of the base and the four directions of the pyramid, which tends to the original directions (north, east, west, south). Aspects of his genius, he also managed with skill and diplomacy on the one hand and firmly and respect the other hand, to lead and guide thousands of salaried workers and not slaves responsible for this unique characteristic performance, which resulted in the only remaining wonder of the seven wonders of the world, namely, the pyramid of Cheops.
Most probably he was the son of Prince, "a group - Maat" and his wife (or Ham - Iunu) "Iettit," and said in some interpretations of the hieroglyphic texts to the family tree was the grandson of the founder of Bent King family and the owner of the fourth famous Pyramids of Dahshur. Had the titles of many, including the supervisor of all business property (this is the title confirmed that engineer of the Great Pyramid), and the title I'm king of the crucifixion (most titles venerated Tfajima of the character that takes off it because it connects this character - in this case, "Ham - Iunu "- King the bond of blood and family. is also the minister and the heir and the holder of seals, King of Egypt the world and guard the city of" betray "the priest of the goddess widget" Bastet "The Priest" Hicemtet "The priest ram the city of Mendes and the supervisor of the scribes royalists and older in the palace (which is the title of honorable) mouth all the people in the city of "B" (ie, the spokesman elderberry and expressed their views and in charge of them). The amusing title off him is: "the commander of singers (singers) of Upper Egypt and the world, which means that this character firm and serious they also carry within it the art of singing and singing and composing and rhythm, however, he was conductor of the teams that were deployed inside and outside the temple. was detected statue only (so far) within the terrace in Giza, called: "c 4000", a white limestone, carved from one piece.-high ( statue shows "Ham - Iunu" while sitting) to 155.5 cm.
This was done to detect important in 1912 AD, and found the statue of his way to Germany - in a way characterized by deceit and malice - where there's now despite him and his loved ones in Egypt within the Museum of Pelizaeus City "Heldesheim" Hildesheim, which lies 30 km south of the city, "Hanover" West Berlin, Germany . The author of this Qurtas attempt to retrieve the statue from Germany through a campaign that began on the Web and Facebook, and then evolved into a number of lectures, seminars and information programs to identify the cream on the people of Egypt "Ham - Iunu." Many young people participated in this campaign from all over the world. Hopes for this writer to help him God Almighty in the retrieval of "Ham - Iunu" To put it in a museum next to the largest pyramid, built by King Cheops.


Does not contain a statue on the trappings of art, or any review of the colors or bright sequined clothes and dazzling jewelry, on the contrary, the statue is carved in a simple manner Jarrod, wearing a short skirt only.
Hieroglyphic text was carved on the pedestal next to his feet, rooting for Ham - Iunu. Appears from the similarity that the author was in the weight plus some thing and was probably suffering from Gynaecomastia any inflation or increase in the size of the male chest.
Or simply a man plus a bit of weight.
If "Iimanb" is the father of architecture and innovative knowledge construction stone, it is possible to consider "Ham - Iaiono" is the epitome of engineering genius.
Still the world with the development of technological tools and mechanisms stand amazed, impressed and even incapable of deciphering Engineering of the Great Pyramid to its owner: "Ham - Iunu."

الجمعة، 5 نوفمبر 2010

Temple of Queen Hatshepsut

The Temple of Deir el-BahariTemple of Queen HatshepsutTemple, "Bahari" or the Temple of Queen "Hatshepsut" Temple is very famous in the world. He became known as the "Temple Bahari" because the Christians used it a monastery in the seventh century AD.Queen "Hatshepsut"And Queen "Hatshepsut" is sent ships to the country, "Pont" (Somalia) in order to back loaded with incense and perfume .. And "Hatshepsut" is the fifth of the Eighteenth Dynasty, which also belongs to the King, "Tutankhamun". The daughter of "Thutmose I" and the wife of "Thutmose II" has received a sentence with "Thutmose III," which was the son of her husband from one of the Run, and was at the same time her daughter's husband, and remained until her death in 1484 BC, holding the reins of government, was the ruling of jus cogens over her life, and kept the "Thutmose III" to rule, did not have the recipe does not like the verdict.Although she was female, they represented themselves to statues in the form of a man who has no breasts was flat, with a false beard. After she died liberation "of Tuthmosis III" from the tutelage of heavy, and I love to take revenge on them piquant build this temple, and attributed to himself, he smashed her name and most of the images carved and statues, and a place name and titles in many quarters.The design and implementation of the temple's construction engineer "die" Queen's Counsel and one close to it. It belongs to a modest family from "Armant," but his effort became the first President to receive the royal family, and the President to receive the god "Amun", and is responsible for all of the construction, but this has achieved the greatest professional successes in the history of ancient Egypt.He has supervised the creation and transfer of obelisks, which was built by "Hatshepsut" in the temple, "Amun Ra" at Karnak. The funerary temple which was built in the "Bahari" is a unique masterpiece and a model of innovation.

الخميس، 4 نوفمبر 2010

Temple of Karnak

Temple of KarnakThe Temple of Karnak, the largest temple built in the ancient world and the most important temples in area of Luxor, a temple dedicated to the god Amon, who began the Pharaoh Seti the First built and completed by Ramses II, in addition to temples, which continued to built up to the first century BC, an area of around 60 acres and continued to build what it of 1500 and named after the Islamic conquest .. Where Karnak means fort or fortified placeRunning the Temple of Karnak, the so-called village strongholds in the northern part of the city of Thebes (Luxor), and returns the famous Karnak to being in fact a group of temples, many built from the family of the 11 around year 2134 BC. M, when she was a good center for the religion of the Egyptian These temples surrounded by walls of brick connected to each other through the corridors guarded by statues of two rows are stacked on the Sphinx.The area of the Temple of Amun, 140 square meters, is equipped with a huge hall with the roof of a mobile column of 122, up more than 21 meters and lined up in 9 rows, this is not the reliefs on the columns and the giant gates, and obelisks
Has been the construction of the temple to be a home "for the holy trinity of good." This trinity is composed of the god "Amun" (The meaning of his name "Hidden"), and his "death" of the mother, and son of God "Khun Sue" the god of the moon, which reflects the sky. The official is based in the Temple of Karnak, and then saw them to pay tribute to another temple in a suburb of "good" old gods to rest for a period of time, so they built the King, "Amenhotep III," this temple in Luxor. It was said that he had built on the ruins of an old house from the houses of worship
.King has established a "City I" Mslten it .. One of them still remain in place, and extends them to the front edifice, two rows of statues erected "Ramses II" in the form of "Sphinx", each having a ram head and the body of a lion. It is noted that under the chin, each a statue of the king himself. This is the way which they call "the road of rams." It is also noted that most construction has been in the era of the Eighteenth Dynasty, in the era of kings "Amenhotep II", and "Amenhotep III" in particular. However, modified, and expansions in the era of the Nineteenth Dynasty, in the reign of King "Ramses II" in particular. There are also in the northwest corner of the courtyard three booths, prepared to accommodate ships of the Holy Trinity of "good", built by the King, "City I" of the kings of the Nineteenth Dynasty, has decorated the walls of these chapels decorated with relief representing the sacred vesselsAnd thus became the Temple of Amun at Karnak is a palace official, also became the Temple of Luxor, which is spending his own house with his family a period of rest and recuperation in the specific date of each year, the temple itself is located on the Corniche Road in front of the Nile. In the middle of the wall of the temple almost, there is a small door leading into the temple

Pharaonic civilization

Is one of the oldest civilizations, which he witnessed ancient Egyptian history, which was the land of Egypt
Since thousands of years to Etwarsa generations and have the approach they take it every day a new one from the curricula of all is the most important of history and medicine.
There are also many from developed countries in the world, dimming the researchers on the study of ancient Egyptian history and the work of the research includes the Pharaonic era of the events of the most important building pyramids
And the preservation of dead bodies of the Whole to the large periods of time.
There are also many scholars of historical relics on the land of Egypt Iqmon taking out the precipitant effects found in the earth from places where they the Pharaonic era through the study of some of the Alsmat located on the wall of the temples and the trenches and corridors on the bottom of Dakhal each structure Trdobt era pharaonic.
And more of these places located in the southern Egypt town of Aswan, Qena, Luxor and Giza.
And still even now there is a lot of treasures and relics found in places did not know about one thing than just research and some of the Papyri, which was used by ancient Egyptians to identify the Ahaddathm historical in order to benefit by their children and grandchildren and the royal family of having to know the secrets where there is wealth hidden during the war to return her again after the end of aggression.
 Now look for this last, which is still a lot of mysterious events and so far does not have any of the researchers or scientists to reach the greatest secret of the secrets of the ancient Egyptians kept the bodies of the dead and let the full descriptions.
There are many, many legends about the lives of the Pharaohs because the end with the end of the world.